What is Week at the Creek? It's the SCHS newsletter aimed at parents and published each Friday with informative news about all things Creek. It highlights student and teacher accomplishments, upcoming events, deadlines, and what is happening on campus.
Y13: Issue 26 - Friday February 14, 2025
School-Wide Announcements: VALENTINES DAY! We wanted to take the opportunity to remind Families about Valentine's deliveries. " No deliveries or items should be brought to school per policy. Please encourage your little love birds to do their gift exchanges this evening or before/after school. Balloons, flowers, glass vases, stuffed animals, etc are prohibited. Deliveries may be turned away and items will not be delivered to classrooms nor will students be called out of class. Keep in mind the front office is extremely busy on a normal day. We appreciate your help in communicating these expectations to your teens.
SENIOR PROM: SCHS Senior Prom is Friday, April 25 at The Barn at Sycamore Farms. The theme for 2025 is Evening of Elegance and the event will be held from 7p - 11p. Each SCHS senior may purchase a ticket for themself and one guest. For safety reasons, prom is a closed event.
Tickets will be $75 per person starting April 1 - April 20. April 21 - 23 tickets will be $90 per person. No tickets will be sold after April 23, and no tickets will be sold at the event. All ticket sales will be online.
NURSE'S CORNER Students may not carry medication on them at school and nurses cannot give out medications, ointments, or creams unless signed in by a parent. Please call the Nurse Clinic if you would like to schedule a time to sign in medications for your student. The clinic may not always be open or the nurses may be busy with students, so calling first would be appreciated. You can reach Nurse Amy or Nurse Sadie at 615-904-6771 ext 5.
Also, all students on crutches or knee scooters require a signed liability release to be on file with our school. A parent must sign one of these forms in person on the student's first day of using crutches or the knee scooter at school. You may call Nurse Amy or Nurse Sadie at the number above if you have any questions.
PARENTS Parents, please do not forget to complete all student verification forms located in Skyward. If you are having trouble with your login, please email [email protected] to reset your password. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BETA CLUB Beta Club members: Seniors, please have all service hours complete by March 7. Underclassmen, have all service hours complete by April 15. If you're interested in becoming a Beta Club officer, next year, please email Mr. Frasher, Mrs. White, or Mrs. Diehl. Be aware that all officers must attend the convention in the fall at Orpyland Hotel. EUROPE TRIPS! Portugal 2027 - Age 18+ Trip The 2027 Ages 18+ Trip to Portugal is open for registration! This is an incredible 10 day, mostly-inclusive trip with an optional 3-day extension to the volcanic island of Madeira. The tour will focus on the food, culture, history, and gorgeous landscapes of Portugal. There is a $100 discount for those that sign up in February. For information, please email Dr. Risto at [email protected]
MATH TUTORING Need help with your Math class? Want to get some help before next test? Got Questions for your ICU assignments?
SPANISH TUTORING The Spanish Honor Society is once again offering FREE tutoring/ help during ICU to any student in a Spanish class. Students should talk with their Spanish teacher to get more information.
SPANISH CLUB! Monday, March 3rd, we will be going to Nashville to see the Hispanic Flamenco Ballet. They will be performing energetic and traditional song and dance from around the Spanish speaking world. Afterwards, we will go to Nashville Farmer's Market for lunch on your own before returning to school at the end of the day. The cost is $30. Forms are due February 21st. Currently, there are 40 seats left and about 100 members, so sign up quickly! Also, if you have not been receiving messages from Remind, please subscribe. The number to text is 81010 and the message is @spansch24 STEWARTS CREEK AUDIO PRESENTS: THE BONDFIRE PODCAST Catch 2 seasons of Stewarts Creek's Podcast "The Bondfire" The podcast is available on all platforms, or on the Stewarts Creek Audio website: The Bondfire - Hosted by Stewarts Creek Audio "We, a group of high school seniors, gather around an (imaginary) bonfire with you, our beautiful listeners, and discuss light-hearted topics that will make you smile. With all honesty, we have no idea what we’re doing and just trying to give you a good time to decompress and relax. So, sit back, grab a snack, and enjoy this hot mess."
ULTIMATE FRISBEE Creek Ultimate 4 pm @ SCHS Football field, free of charge, opens their 24-25 Season against Hillsboro!
VISUAL ARTS Some MORE amazing news in the Stewarts Creek Visual Art world. This week is a busy week, and it's an exciting time of year for us! We have just learned that 13 of our Visual Art students have won a total of 24 awards at the nationally renowned and respected 2025 Scholastic Art Awards (this is the highest number of winning artworks in SCHS Visual Art History!) (this is also THE BIG ONE for us in the High School Visual Art world. Think: our super bowl, our World Cup, our state championship, our Mid-State/All-State, or some other sports analogy?). Each year, there are hundreds of thousands of Artworks submitted by secondary students from around the country, and thousands from Middle Tennessee alone. It is a huge honor for our students to have their work recognized on this level, and incredible to look at the list of award winners and see the variety and range of media, styles, and artistic voices represented by our Red Hawk Artists.
Congratulations to our Arts students and their recent achievements / awards. Attached are also photos of the artworks. The students who have won a Gold Key award will have their works on display at the 34th Annual Middle Tennessee Scholastic Art Awards Gold Key Exhibition at Cheekwood Historic Mansion & Botanical Gardens' Frist Learning Center Great Hall from February 1st - March 9th. The Silver Key winners will also have their work displayed digitally at the exhibition. Check out the full list of 2025 Winners in Middle Tennessee HERE. Click HERE for more information about the Gold Key Exhibition happening at Cheekwood Mansion & Botanical Gardens.
ATHLETICS THIS WEEK: TSSAA State Tournament for Wrestling (Boys and Girls) will be Friday and Saturday February 21st and 22nd
UPCOMING: 2-28 through 3-5: Basketball Regions at Lebanon 3-3-25: Spring seasons begin
*Don't forget to follow SCHS Athletics on Twitter/X: @creekathetics1
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